Sunday March 6, 2022
Rear Guard
Ever wonder…I mean, truly wonder why God did not create us with eyes in the back of our head? Because man was not designed by the Creator with eyes in back of his head, God has covenanted with His people to protect and guard them from behind. God intentionally fashioned us with the inability to watch what is behind us, so that we would have to depend upon Him. Our sole job is to look ahead (Phil.3:12-14)
It is important to consider the passage that precedes these words. Paul had just listed all his religious qualifications that were of supreme importance. He then states, “I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (v.8). Paul is making the point that no fleshly accomplishment, or past hurt matters in comparison with knowing Christ and trusting in His righteousness alone for salvation.
Our memories store millions of pieces of information gained through our senses since birth. Some experiences are impossible to forget, and any effort to forget them only makes them more prominent. Paul is not advising a memory wipe…he is telling us to focus on the present and the future, and leave all cares behind. (See WORD WISDOM for a deeper study of cares)
It’s easy to “live in the past.” Whether it’s a past victory that our minds continually replay or a past defeat that hangs over us like a shroud, it needs to be left in the past. Nothing hinders present service quite like being mired in another time. Modeling Paul’s forgetfulness means we count the past as nothing. We cut the strings that tie us to that bygone moment. We refuse to allow past successes to inflate our pride. We refuse to allow past failures to deflate our self-worth. We leave it behind and instead adopt our new identity in Christ. We leave it to our Rear Guard.
But you will not go out in haste, nor will you go as fugitives; For the Lord will go before you, And the God of Israel (Strong One) will be your rear guard. (Is.52:12 NASB)
We worry about things that have already happened. We linger in the pain, wallow in the memories. But we can trust in God who promises to have our back. He promises to be our rear guard and protect us so nothing gets us from behind. But what exactly is the rear guard?
Rearguard is a detachment of troops detailed to guard the rear of a moving column. The rearguard is generally used for security during a forward movement, but is also a detachment concerned with delaying the pursuit of a main military body in retreat. That’s the world’s definition…but we have this!!
Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will call for help, and He will say: Here am I. (Is.58:8-9)
The Hebrew word for “glory” is kabod. It basically means weight. It is the very substance of God. For God, it is who He is, His character and power. God’s glory manifests and reveals His love.
Shekinah is a word not found in the Bible. It literally means in Hebrew, “residence,” or “dwelling.” It is from a Hebrew root that is in the Bible, often translated as “to dwell.” For example, “God dwells among His people.” If you were to look that Hebrew term up, you would see the similarity to the word Shekinah. It came to mean, over time, instead of literally “residence,” or “dwelling,”—”God’s visible presence.” That word “visible” is very important. It is God being seen. Or as I saw in one place, “The visible Majesty of the Divine Presence.”
Now, if that is not enough, there are more beautiful truths about what is behind us as a rear guard. God says that there is also a word that is our rear guard. Imagine, God’s very word, spoken through the Holy Spirit, acting as a defense in our lives.
Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left. (Is.30:21)
And what about this great promise from the heart of God and the hand of David
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow (to run after, chase) me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (Ps.23:6)
Goodness comes from within Himself. He does not obtain His goodness from outside Himself, nor is He dependent or obligated to His creature to exhibit His goodness.
- He hears the repentant, not out of obligation but due to His goodness.
- He hears prayer only because of His goodness.
- He saves people due to His goodness and not because of any goodness found in them.
- He is infinitely good. His goodness cannot be broken into degrees, nor can it be measured.
- He is perfectly good. Everything He does is good.
- His goodness does not change. He has never varied in its intensity.
- He is the highest good and the author of all good.
Mercy is amazing!! Mercy is giving something to someone that they don’t deserve. I don’t deserve a clean past…but that is what He gives me!!!
The “Strong One” is the rear guard who does not allow my past to attack me nor does it allow me to go back to my past. If I should ever look back, all I will see is His abundance, riches, benefits, welfare, happiness, kindness, tenderness, unfailing love and faithfulness. All these wonders give me hope and encouragement for the future. Praise God for a Rear Guard!