Put Your Right Foot In, Take Your Right Foot Out

Wouldn’t it be simply wonderful if the Lord Himself would give us the directions to proceed in our lives? It would be lovely if life were as simple as the Hokey Pokey…one foot here, one foot there…That is exactly what the Lord wants to do for His children. In the days that we live in, we have so many advanced technologies to give us directions when we want to get somewhere. It’s almost impossible anymore to get lost!

The Bible talks about divine direction in the scriptures. God has a road map for each and every one of us. God knows exactly where to take us. He knows the minute details of our lives. He has the blue prints for our entire lives already. All we have to do is just fit in His plans for our lives. To get to the bigger picture, our God goes step by step. Though He knows the end from the beginning, He does not tell you the destination right away. All He wants to tell you is one step at a time. And the Lord God Almighty orders and directs each step.

The word direct means, “to be straight or even, to be right, pleasant, prosperous.” That “He shall direct your paths” suggests that God will “smooth” or “make straight” the roads of our lives. This is a promise that God will go before us and remove many of the obstacles from our paths. He wants us to be successful, so if we trust Him and follow His instructions, He will lead us forward, sweeping many of our potential problems to the side. How encouraging!

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand. (Ps.37:23-24)

The word that is mentioned here is ordered. Just like the way you order your food in a restaurant. You order as much as you can eat. In the same way, God orders our steps. These are not gigantic steps that are hard to take. These are steps that we are able to take. Put your right foot here, and your left foot there!

Now, the key to unlocking God’s direction is by acknowledging Him in all our ways. Acknowledging the Lord in all our ways means keeping Him in mind in every event of our lives. Godly living is not to be confined to Sundays. God is involved in each moment of each day. His instruction covers our lives from waking up in the morning to going to sleep at night. He wants us to remember Him all the time and to trust and obey Him to guide our conduct in everything we do.

The way of the ungodly is strewn with pits and traps…many that they have made themselves and they will eventually fall into them and not be able to get out. But as we follow God, He will direct our steps. How? By walking along with us…how else could He whisper in to our ears?

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it. (Is.30:21).

He won’t usually show us the end from the beginning in our own lives…it would most likely scare us! He may not even show us more than the very next step. But, because He knows and designed it all, all we have to do is let Him lead us.

Many think that God’s paths are full of lack. That is not true. Just because you have not seen abundance doesn’t means that God’s paths are not abundant. The Bible says, (See WORD WISDOM for a deeper study of lack)

You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance. (Ps.65:11)

When we are in God’s direction, we are heading towards abundance. It may not feel like it; it may not look like it. But the Word of God says God’s paths drip with abundance. Let not the devil talk you out of that word. Our God is not a God of lack. He is a God of abundance. His paths drip with abundance. All you will want and need is in His path. God’s Word is final. If you are saved, you need to know that Satan cannot lay a trap or snare for you on God’s ordered path.

Concerning the works of men, by the word of Your lips, I have kept away from the paths of the destroyer. Uphold my steps in Your paths, that my footsteps may not slip. (Ps.17:4-5)

How can we know God’s directions? The answers may seem simplistic, but they are time-tested and powerful.

Prayer. Go to the Lord and say, “Lord Jesus, I am here to ask for your directions in my life. I do not want to go in my path, but take me in Your ways, Lord.” You will soon see God coming through. That is what David did

Show me your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. (Ps.25:4)

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with my eye. (Ps.32:8)

Read the Word. God’s word is the lamp unto your feet and a light to your path (Ps.119:105). Expect God to reveal things from His heart to yours. He wants you to know His ways from His Word.

Direct my steps by Your Word.(Ps.119:133)                               

Listen to the voice of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit talks in a still small voice right in your heart. He loves to talk to us. When our hearts are in the right place, we surely will hear Him speak to us.

Your ears shall hear a Word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.(Is.30:21)

There are two choices in life: having God order our steps in His will or ordering our own steps by our own will. The book of Job tells us God numbers our steps (Job 14:16), and counts all our steps (Job 31:4). God will order our steps if we follow His will by His Word as we are led by His Spirit. God delights to see His people, the redeemed of Jesus Christ, walking in ordered paths. We cannot sing, “Have thine own way” and insist on having our own way! When God orders, anything other than what He orders is out of order! Let Him order your steps so you can walk in His ways all the days of your life. I think life is truly just spiritual Hokey Pokey…Praise God!

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