Power Shield: Activate!

David wrote this psalm on the occasion of his flight from his own palace, in the dead of night, to hide himself for a while from the fury of his rebellious son, Absalom, who had instigated a rebellion against David by David’s own people. Yet David is encouraged by God’s protection, presence, and promise…all of which becoming his shield.

We are in a battle. It seems at times that it is an all-out war. We have an enemy whose sole purpose is our total destruction and separation from our heavenly Father. But, armed with the Word of God and a shield of faith, we march to the battlefield of life. And yet, we know that there are times when the fighting is so fierce that we need more protection. This is when God becomes our Shield. He does not only provide a shield, He is a shield!

After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” (Gen.15:1)

That shield offers a complete surrounding of protection. But what is most amazing is the substance of that shield. It is no ordinary defensive material. In fact, it’s not even of this world. The shield with which God protects us in made of…favor, salvation, and faithfulness!

For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield. (Ps.5:12)

Not just a shield of protection, but one of blessing, favor, and faithfulness! The definition of the word favor is best described as “demonstrated delight.” To have the Lord’s favor means that the Lord is in accord with an individual and has shown gracious kindness towards them–the favor of God that rests upon our lives and allows us to experience God’s plentiful blessings from day to day. His favor also keeps us safe from things and people that are not part of His plan for us. (See WORD WISDOM for a deeper study of delight)

Imagine a soldier marching forth in the battle. Arrows come, enemies throw spears and it seems like he might not make it through. Then suddenly the soldier understands that no matter how tough the circumstances might seem, there is hope, because he has a shield giving him super-strength. However, the shield is not just protecting parts of him. This is a special shield which surrounds him! It is covering his every inch. He simply needs to understand it, trust it and walk in faith.

Now, our shield is not just one of favor, but of His salvation. David also declares that God has given us another type of protective shield in Psalm 18:

You have also given me the shield of Your salvation; Your right hand has held me up,    Your gentleness has made me great. (Ps.18:35)

But there is yet one more supernatural defense that God blesses us with. We are buffered by His faithfulness. Faithfulness is defined as “stability, certainty, support” Imagine being defended by God’s sure foundation and trustworthiness!

He will spread his wings over you and keep you secure. His faithfulness is like a shield or a city wall. (Ps.91:4)

Since we have God’s favor, salvation, and faithfulness, we do not have to walk in fear. Instead we can walk in confidence. We can be confident knowing that God’s protection is with us no matter what we may face. He surrounds us with His love and protection. Amen!

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