Sunday September 4, 2022
Oh Where, Oh Where Shall I Run To?
Once Israel crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land, Joshua was given the task of allotting the land to the twelve tribes. To the Levite tribe, God commanded Joshua to give them six cities that were to be cities of refuge…places where the guilty person could run from the avenger of blood (usually a relative of the slain person) and be protected until he stood trial and was judged.
Refuge cities, or sanctuary cities as they are called, have been in the news a lot lately. In the United States, a sanctuary city is a city that limits it’s cooperation with the federal government in order to help illegal immigrants (or undocumented immigrants) avoid deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents. Whether you agree with them or not, these are not the inventions of Republicans or Democrats…it was God Who created them–but not for harboring those breaking the law; it was for those in need of His justice.
Abner was the Commander in Chief of Saul’s army. When Saul dies, Abner then joined David and served him alongside David’s general, Joab. During a civil war within David’s ranks, Abner killed Joab’s brother, Asahel. Abner fled to Hebron, a city of refuge. (See WORD WISDOM for a deeper study of refuge)
Joab relentlessly pursued Abner to the city, but once inside, Abner was safe and Joab could not enter the city himself. There, Abner could stay until his case was heard and he was judged either innocent or guilty. Safe. Protected. Untouchable. But Abner fell for the schemes of the avenger of the blood (Joab) and allowed himself to be cajoled to the gate, the entrance to the city. Once there, Abner struck him “in the belly” and killed him.
That is how our enemy, Satan, operates. He allows us to think we are at a place of safety, insulated from his attack. He lulls us into a false security and then strikes a vicious blow. He lies in wait just outside the gate waiting for us to be drawn by his schemes.
So, to where can we run? To what city can we flee the avenger of the blood? Do we have a place of safety and refuge that promises us protection and justice? YES!! In fact, we have many! The Lord Himself is a refuge.
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. (Ps.18:2)
Wisdom is a defense (Ecc.7:12), and fellow believers are given as protectors (Dan.11:1). Even our quiet time with Jesus is a place of rest and safety (Mk.6:31). The Church is a strong refuge that can prevail against the enemy.
And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. (Matt.16:18)
When Peter asked Jesus “where would we go” besides You, he answered his own question with a divine revelation that the safest refuge we have is His Word.
But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. (Jn.6:68)
When we run to these cities in desperate times of trouble and in need of His justice, we are protected…that’s how Jesus operates. We run to Him. Even though we may be guilty of sin, we can flee to a city of refuge called the Cross and find justification, protection, and rest. It is there we are judged by the precious blood of Christ…not by the avenger of the blood! But we cannot simply stand at the “gate”…not fully in or not fully out. We must plunge in to a relationship with Jesus…all in! He is our city of refuge! Amen.
One final thought. Joab struck the fatal blow in the “belly” of Abner. That is where our enemy seeks to destroy us…in our bellies of the Living Water. If he can dry up that source, Satan knows that the victory is his. Run! Run! Run to the cities of refuge and protect the life-giving flow of God.
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his belly will flow rivers of living water. (Jn.7:38)