Make Way…

By Jenny Pfister

Isaiah 40 begins the great second section of the book of Isaiah (chapters 40-66). In contrast to the dark judgment of the preceding chapters, it shines with the light of promises of restoration (40-48), the coming Messiah (49-57), and the millennial blessings (58-66). Isaiah saw beyond the terrible times to future blessings. It begins by making a way for God in the wilderness and a highway in the desert.

Desert. The word itself brings forth images of dry, barren and lifeless lands. It elicits a sense of scorching heat and unbearable vastness. Yet it is in those desert places that the Lord desires to meet us and restore life to our parched and weary souls.

The word desert means, “parched, barren, solitary, drought, and decayed.” It is interesting though, that it comes from a root word that means, “to speak in a destructive sense, to declare, and command.” The word picture denotes a place of desolation that speaks to us in a way as to destroy us. We have all had desert experiences. Those times when circumstances and trials and enemies and sin have driven us to a place of defeat and torment. We cry for relief…we beg for mercy…we plead for deliverance. The amazing thing is that then initial responsibility for relief lies within us! You see, we are the one who must listen to the commanding voice to “make a way” for God to come. We are the ones who are called to “make a highway” for the Lord. When we prepare a way for Him to meet us, He promises deliverance. How do make a way for the Lord? We pray. We repent. We sing. We meditate on the Word. We lay ourselves down on the altar. We fellowship. We have faith. We believe. We simply call upon His name.

Did you catch that? One small step toward Jesus and He will turn sadness into joy as He lifts you up! Lift means “to elevate.” He will lift you to an altitude that allows you to soar on the wings of eagles.

When we make the way for the Lord, He provides amazing blessings in our deserts.

He encircles us with love in the desert (Deut.32:10)

He will make rivers in the desert (Is.43:19)

He will cause water to even come from a rock (Is.48:21)

He can make the desert like a garden of Eden (Is.51:3) and

He will make the desert a place of gladness (Is.35:1)

(See WORD WISDOM for a deeper study of water)

Water in Desert

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