Sunday May 22, 2022
I’ve Got My Eyes on You
Our Lord is aware of every move by every living thing on Earth. And yet His gaze is focused primarily on the well-being of His children. He fixes His eyes on the pain and needs of each member of His spiritual body. Simply put, whatever hurts us concerns Him.
Over and over, the Bible talks about the “eyes of the Lord” on us. What does that mean? And what difference does it make?
The eyes of the Lord are inescapable. Proverbs 5:21 tells us that “a man’s ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and He ponders all his paths.” God sees it all because He’s watching.
The eyes of the Lord are synonymous with what’s right and true.
And you shall do what is right and good in the sight of the Lord, that it may go well with you.(Deut.6:18)
We read about Old Testament kings who “did what was right in the eyes of the Lord,” and leaders who “did not do what was right in the eyes of the Lord.” The eyes of the Lord are constantly gazing on us and moving us toward what is good.
The eyes of the Lord are focused upon and attentive to His own. While God sees everything that happens on your block, He has a predisposition to fix His attention upon what’s going on in the lives of His children and to extend loving care toward us.
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer. (1 Pet.3:12)
Because you love Christ, God pays attention to you in a special way.
The eyes of the Lord are provoked to grace when He observes a righteous person. Genesis 6:8 says that “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” In the days of Noah, much had changed from God’s original design. Not only had the majority of people on the earth bred with Nephilim, which was totally against God’s original design, but mankind as a whole lived in selfish independence from God. It goes without saying that wherever selfishness reigns, corruption always follows.
So, in the days of Noah when God looked upon the earth, He saw a planet filled with corrupt people who were all about self…much like today, right?
They lived to please self.
They lived to pleasure self.
They lived to serve self.
They lived to worship self.
They only looked to self.
But not Noah…he looked to God. Noah didn’t look to self. In the midst of all the selfishness and corruption in the earth, Noah looked to God. How do I know? Because the Bible tells us what Noah “found” when he looked to God… When Noah looked to God, he “found grace” in God’s eyes. Praise God!
The eyes of the Lord are searching for people to bless. God is looking for people on whom to show His favor. He’s flat-out looking for people who want to experience His strength. He’s never tired of picking His children out in the crowd.
For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward Him. (2 Chr.16:9)
In 2 Chronicles 16 we read about the last days of Asa, king of Judah. King Asa and his people were in a perilous situation as they faced constant threat of attack from the towns of Israel. The Lord had come through for King Asa in the past when he was fighting against all odds, but this time he got desperate and tried to find his own way out by making a deal with another king for protection. In v. 8-9 King Asa gets his “you should have listened” moment. The Lord would have come through for him once again if he had just stayed committed. We feel justified in doing whatever it takes to make something happen…or at least try.
Sure, sometimes the Lord will lead us to take action and in those times He give us the strength. But it’s never time to compromise on doing what is right in the Lord’s eyes. It’s never time to take the easy way out instead of the way of faith. Let’s remember that the eyes of Lord are always watching. He sees when we choose to tithe even when finances are desperate. He sees when we choose humility when we have been wronged or overlooked. He sees when we pray for and honor, serve, and love others instead of passing on fear to those around us. The Lord is actively looking for opportunities to show His strength to and through men whose hearts are fully committed to Him. (See WORD WISDOM for a deeper study of strength)
I’m sure we have all heard the song, “His Eye is on the Sparrow.” Sometimes it seems that God is the only one who cares for sparrows. Cats and birds of prey like to hunt and eat them, and little boys have been known to torment them. Adults complain about how they multiply and consider them pests. Yet, Jesus said, “not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will” (Matt.10:29). It is interesting that Jesus chose the most common of all birds to teach a profound truth: in God’s eyes, no one is insignificant!
Aren’t you grateful He keeps His eye on you? Aren’t you grateful His eyes have you? I know I am. Thank You, Lord!