Here’s My Diet Tip

By Jenny Pfister

Seems like most everyone is on a diet these days. TV is full of commercials touting this diet and that diet and these foods and this pill. Keto, Atkins, Gluten-free, Vegan…is there really a perfect diet? One that would bring healing, health, strength, and life? A plan that we could stick with for the rest of our lives? Yes! It’s the quintessential prison diet…bread and water. Believe it or not, it also brings sweet contentment.

By definition, contentment is “an internal satisfaction which does not demand changes in external circumstances.” It is a freedom from wanting because of what we already possess. That is what a life in Christ is all about. (See WORD WISDOM for a deeper study of possess)

Solomon reminds us that we can find contentment in the simple pleasures of eating and drinking. But, what could we possibly eat and drink that would give us eternal satisfaction? Living Water and the Bread of Life!

In the Gospel of John, Jesus declares Himself to be a special kind of bread.

Manna had the educational purpose of teaching them to depend of God for all their needs. Later Moses explained that although manna was a physical miracle, its purpose was to teach the spiritual lesson that God is the source of all our life. Moses said,

This bread is a spiritual food that gives life. It is a bread that lasts for all eternity for those who believe and receive Him. The one who eats this bread will never grow hungry again. It is an everlasting filling of our spirits.

Also in John’s Gospel, Jesus explains to the woman at the well that He is a very special kind of water.

Jesus was the source of a kind of water that no one else could give. It was no ordinary water. Those who drink His water would never thirst again. In fact, that water “wells up” in a believer and continuously gives life. This water gives one eternal life! So what kind of water is Jesus talking about? He gives us the answer later in John 7:38-39.

Jesus used “water” as a symbol for the Holy Spirit!. He gives us the Holy Spirit to dwell in us, seal us and fill us. Notice that Jesus is talking about “rivers of living water”…rivers of living water that are flowing out of believers.

In that we cannot experience enjoyment and contentment absent of God in natural, physical eating and drinking, we could never expect to find eternal joy and satisfaction in our spirit being outside of Jesus. We are not destined to subsist on a prison diet…we are destined for a diet of abundance and freedom.

The great philosopher, Socrates said, “He is richest who is content with the least.” But as believers, we must disagree. We are not content with the least…we are content with the most…Jesus! Amen! Now that’s a perfect diet plan!

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