Fully Satisfied

By Jenny Pfister

If you’ve ever watched an infomercial, you have no doubt heard, “satisfaction guaranteed.” Satisfaction guaranteed is a promise that if a buyer is not satisfied with the product purchased, that the seller will refund the buyer’s money in full. This phrase is commonly used in infomercials or commercials advertising a product or service, and is a marketing strategy that has been used for hundreds of years.

What does it mean to be fully satisfied? We could be satisfied with a product, or satisfied with the outcome of a situation, or satisfied with the labor of our hands. We can even be satisfied after a delicious Thanksgiving meal!

The problem with these satisfactions is that they are only temporary and fleeting. But God offers a different sense of satisfaction. The biblical definition of satisfaction means, “to fill, to have enough, to have plenty, to be fulfilled.” It is not just a temporary fix or a momentary supply, but an eternal state of being.

In the Messianic Psalm (Ps.22), a satisfaction is promised which extends beyond the bounds of merely having enough to eat and drink, to a spiritual satisfaction born out of the answered prayers of the righteous.

Jesus, in the Beatitudes, declares the same truth when He says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled (satisfied continually).” (Matt.5:6) Isaiah says that those who give will find their own soul satisfied in times of drought.

Moses prays that the Lord will satisfy forever with His love (Ps.90:1). We will also be satisfied with food (Ps.81:16), His unfailing love (Ps.90:14), long life (Ps.91:16), with provision (Ps.132:15), the desire of our hearts (Ps.145:16), and with all good things (Ps.107:9). (See WORD WISDOM for a deeper study of good)

Godly satisfaction is not just something…it is some One. It is not just for now…it is eternal. And it is not just promised…it is guaranteed!

People and things can meet our superficial needs. But only God can meet our deepest needs. Until we have learned to be satisfied with Him and until we look to Him as our Provider, we will be restless with our place in this world.  Amen.

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