Monday October 9, 2023
Better Wise Up!
By Jenny Pfister
What do you think of when you say the word wisdom? Does good judgment come to mind? Many wish to be wise. Yet there are wrong concepts of what wisdom is. Often, one would consider a genius wise. Yet having a vast amount of knowledge is not wisdom. Others believe that those who understand knowledge are wise. This is not the case.
Just what is wisdom? Is it different from knowledge and understanding?
Knowledge is the accumulation of facts. All that you learn in school, in the Bible and through other experiences in life is knowledge. Scholars have much knowledge because they often spend their entire lives studying and researching. Yet knowledge is worthless if it is not correctly applied. Just look at Adam and Eve…they wanted knowledge so bad that they disobeyed God and ate off of the wrong tree! They may have gained knowledge way beyond their understanding…but they had no wisdom.
So what is wisdom? Is it more than just a mere understanding? The dictionary defines wisdom as “the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting.” This is a theme that is recurring throughout the Bible. We know that knowledge, on the other hand, is defined as having information through experience, reasoning or acquaintance. God wants us to have knowledge of Him and what He expects of us. But equally important is having wisdom. Knowing facts about God and the Bible is not all there is to having wisdom. Wisdom is what God will bless us with in order for us to glorify Him with the knowledge we have of Him. (See WORD WISDOM for a deeper study of understanding)
Now, let’s see God’s answer to the question…what is wisdom?
And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the LORD, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. (Job 28:28)
To grow in wisdom, you must examine yourself and be certain that you hate evil. Sounds easy, huh? It’s not. We live in a culture of political correctness, inclusiveness, and tolerance. Though they are laudable qualities, we can be drawn into an atmosphere of gray.
We are also told that we need to have a reverent fear of God. To have the “fear of the LORD” is to have an awed respect of who God is and a reverential trust in His Word and His character, and to live accordingly. When one is walking in the fear of the Lord, he or she is relying on God’s wisdom in the matters of everyday life and making whatever changes need to be made in light of God’s Word. When we fear the Lord, which is the most basic form of knowledge, God can then begin to provide us with wisdom through Jesus, whom the Bible says is wisdom itself.
But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption (1 Cor.1:30).
Many people do understand the price and value of true wisdom. Society puts in high regard those who are very knowledgeable, yet ignores what it should truly value—wisdom!
Wisdom goes far beyond all the riches of this world. The physical riches of this world do not last. Yet, wisdom is durable! If you had to choose between piles of the world’s greatest treasure and true wisdom, which would you choose? Do you realize that God—the Creator and owner of all riches—tells YOU that wisdom is far better?
Wisdom is the principal thing (NLT – “most important”); Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. (Pro.4:7)
So, where do we get wisdom? Job asked that very same question:
But where can wisdom be found? Where does understanding dwell? Man does not comprehend its worth; it cannot be found in the land of the living (Job 28:12-13).
According to Proverbs 2:6 it comes from God: For the Lord gives wisdom, from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. Therefore, with our hearts open to God, we ask Him for wisdom. James 1:5 says “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” Wisdom is a gift from God. Wisdom is what God will bless us with in order for us to glorify Him with the knowledge we have of Him.
Wisdom comes when we hear God’s Word and apply His truth in our life. When we actually do what we hear, wisdom is the result. That wisdom guards our life by the power and grace that comes from God alone. The promise of Wisdom is that those who desire God’s truth can have it, but it requires giving up the world’s foolish mockery of the truth.
The benefit of wisdom entering our heart is knowledge pleasant to our soul. Discretion preserves us, understanding will keep us, to deliver us away from evil:
When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you, to deliver you from the way of evil, from the man who speaks perverse things (Pro.2:10-12).
Those who have God’s wisdom will show it in how they live: “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom” (Jas.3:13). To tap into God’s wisdom, we must diligently study God’s Word (2 Tim.2:15), meditate on the Word, pray for wisdom, seek it with all our hearts, and walk in the Spirit. So, why seek wisdom? God desires to give His wisdom to His children. Simple enough.