Believe It!

By Jenny Pfister

I believe in a ram in place of a son, a scarlet thread of salvation, a whale as a means of transportation, a fourth man in a fire, divine protection from lions, a burning bush, a still small voice, walking on water, the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, the lame walking, the parting of a sea, an ark, a cross…and I believe in a resurrection!

I believe it all! Yet I’ve never seen any of it with my natural eyes. How can that be? How can I believe in something I have never seen? It’s a struggle, perhaps even a battle most of us face. Oh, it may seem easy to believe Jonah was in a whale, but believing I am healed when my body is in pain can be a whole other story. But that is exactly what Jesus wants us to do…see with our spirit eyes.

Perhaps that is why the psalmist asks God to “open the eyes that I may behold wondrous things…” (Ps.119:18). And why Paul prayed that the “eyes of our heart may be enlightened.” (Eph.1:18).

I know things like gravity, wind/air/oxygen, sound, heat, and electricity really do exist. I believe they are real…but I can’t see them at all. I can see the evidence of them though. And that’s enough to make me a believer in them. So why is it so hard to simply believe the things of God that we cannot see with our natural eyes? Just that…we are trying to see with our physical eyes. (See WORD WISDOM for a deeper study of believe       

Hebrews 11:1 tells us that faith is “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” The footstep followers of Christ are a faith class, and during this present age they are spoken of as the “household of faith.” (Gal. 6:10), and a cloud of witnesses (Heb.12:1). They are those who believed without seeing because they walked “by faith, not by sight.” (2 Cor. 5:7).

Godly faith believes in what I do not see.  God pointed out that I do not see God, but I believe, I do not see Christ, but I believe.  I do not see the Holy Spirit, but I believe. Why?  Because I do see evidence around me of God, and as I get to know Him, I have the evidence of God’s interaction with me.  I do not see the healing that Christ has paid for, but I believe because of the evidence of the Word of God. The healing may be immediate or delayed.

Faith is not denying reality…rather it understands that God can change reality.  Faith is not blind belief but is based on the certainty of God’s Word.  If we break our leg, we do not claim it is healed when the reality is that it is broken. However, we can claim that Christ died for our healing. We can claim that God’s mighty power is working in our body to heal it.  We can claim that we are healed in the name of Jesus, believing by faith that it is what He is doing. And we can look into the future, and thank God now for healing us, believing that he will heal us in His perfect timing.

Do you believe in the healing you cannot see? The children who are not yet saved? A restored and fruitful marriage? Provision not yet here? The promise yet to be fulfilled? Do you see it?

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