All In

Luke, the “beloved physician” (Col.4:14) clearly states that his purpose in writing this Gospel is to present “an orderly account” of all that Jesus had done and taught. Though he dedicates this Gospel to Theophilus, it is really a message for all of us. In this particular section (ch.9-11), Luke is describing the rejection of Jesus by many. It is in the midst of this rejection that we find Mary receiving Jesus and all He offers. She went all in…feet first.

Devotion versus duty. How do we balance those two things? First, we must recognize that these are not necessarily irreconcilable facets of our lives. We have legitimate concerns in our lives that require significant amounts of time and focus…work, children, housework, homework, or family time. These are necessary time consumers. (See WORD WISDOM for a deeper study of time)

Here’s the “but”…we cannot allow these things to take precedence over time with the Lord. I know–blah, blah, blah. We’ve heard this a thousand times from the pulpit. But I want to put a different slant on this. It’s not this or that…it’s a balancing act. We need to learn the importance of balancing personal devotion and practical duties.

I’m pretty sure that’s what Mary did. Before Jesus arrived, I’m betting that Mary was in full “hostess with the mostest” mode, helping Martha prepare for His visit. But when He arrived, Mary chose “the good part” and made the decision to stop, take a breath, and make time for Jesus.

But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her. (Lk.10:42 NKJV)

She weighed the options and chose, for that moment, the better, more important part…precious time with her Lord. It was Jesus Himself who declared that this was the “good part” and that this “good part shall not be taken away from her.” Did you catch that? Time with Jesus, though here on this earth, it eternal! It’s forever! The time we spend with Him learning, listening, praising, and praying can never be stolen or taken from us. It lasts eternally in the heart of God! Wow! Perhaps that is why God urges us to seek Him. Everything else in this world will fade away and be forgotten.

Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. (Is.55:6)

O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. (Ps.63:1)

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jer.29:13)

But I don’t think it was just about Mary choosing time with Jesus. It was also about the place she chose to be with Him. We often seek His face…we desire to seek His hand…we long to hear His voice. But Mary chose His feet.

Jairus, a synagogue official, fell at the feet of Jesus in reverence (Mk.5:22). Mary Magdalene washed His feet with her hair out of love and adoration (Lk.7:38). The demon-possessed man found peace at the feet of Jesus (Lk.8:35). And one day, we will cast our crowns at the feet of our King, Jesus (Rev.4:10).

Take a moment…a long moment. Pause and find the feet of Jesus. Go, sit, worship, and listen. Go all in…feet first! Because down at His feet is truly the most high place we could ever be.

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